“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” -Robert McCloskey
This post is honestly more of a collection of links that I'm sharing simply to save time for others. I didn't have any greatly profound or original ideas when it came to sharing this book with my children. Instead I drew on the creativity of others and trust me there is a lot out there. I hope you find something here that you can use.
Extend through reading and writing:
1. The Scholastic site has a spelling lesson about changing "y" to "ies" to make words plural.
2. Here is a vocablary list for Blueberries For Sal. This book could really be a great lesson in verbs.
3. Enjoy a literature guide with journaling and writing worksheet ideas included. This is a very helpful and well done resource.
4. Homeschool Share supplies Alphabet blueberries that are free to download. Use them to practice matching letters of the alphabet with younger children.
5. Hands of a Child has prepared a Unit Study Lapbook based on Blueberries For Sal. You can purchase it here for $17.50.
*Yes, I am aware that Charlotte Mason did not support the use of unit studies. I don't really follow her method in a frantic "letter of the law" sort of way. I think her methods reflect boundaries within a fairly flexible educational structure. Her ideas provide the core of our learning, however, I'll adapt anything that I find educational, enlightening and lovely. This study is all of those.
Extend Through Math:
1. Homeschool Share has a Math Mat activity that cooridinates with this story.
2. I have a cute felt idea I found, but I haven't made it yet. I'll add a photo of it to this post once I complete it. If you can't wait . . .e-mail me and I'll give you the details.
Extend Through Life Skills:
1. Here you will find baking ideas to go with the blueberry theme. Yummy!
Extend Through Science:
1. Here you can purchase a very affordable TOS E-Book WE-Book titled Blueberries for You by Amanda Bennett.
2. You could also choose to learn more about bears. I found several studies and free downloads about bear at currclick.
Extend Through Geography:
1. You could study Maine
2. Learn about "forests", "woods" and "hills"
Extend Through Art and Creative Play:
1. This site has ideas for narration, role play, and performing arts using a mural backdrop for acting out the story.
2. Here you'll find a great bear craft using pony beads. This craft would be best suited for older children.
*Whatever you choose to use to extend this story I advise that you not overdo it. This book is so visually beautiful that it's a pleasure to read. You won't want to overwhelm kiddos with extra "work" that distracts from the beauty of the story.
Wonderful Blog Posts about Blueberries For Sal:
1. http://www.feehanfamily.com/homeschool/homeschoool/
2. Visit http://mamahomeschool.blogspot.com/2008/10/blueberries-for-sal-other-activities.html for some really cool ideas from another blogger. I especially liked her link to the Life cycle of a Blueberry and her cork stamp craft is adorable!
3. Wondersome Story Time is a blog I follow. She also has some neat ideas concerning this book.
I promise I'll be more original in my next post :)